Shearing Services

I use a mobile battery-powered shearing machine to shear your sheep efficiently and without hassle. Sheep need to be ready, several hours before I arrive, in a flat area in a relatively small pen to make them easy to catch without putting any unnecessary stress on them. I leave the wool in a tidy pile for you outside of the pen.

Main Shear: Sep to Jan


Why Main Shear?

  • Ensures sheep are comfortable during seasonal changes.
  • Prevents flystrike and improves overall health.
  • Prepares sheep for warmer weather.

Second Shear: Jan to May


Why Second Shear?

  • Prevents flystrike during late summer and autumn.
  • Improves overall health and hygiene of sheep.
  • Improves the appearance and condition of the sheep.

Prelamb Shear: May to Aug

Why Prelamb Shear?

  • Increases survival rates of newborn lambs.
  • Encourages ewes to seek shelter during lambing.
  • Reduces the risk of heavily pregnant ewes getting stuck on their side.
  • Easier for lambs to find their mother's teats.

Other Benefits of Shearing Regularly

Health Monitoring:

Shearing provides an opportunity for close inspection and monitoring of the sheep's health. During shearing, shearers can identify and address any health issues, skin conditions, or injuries that may have developed since the previous shearing. Early detection of health problems allows for prompt intervention and treatment, contributing to better overall flock health.

Welfare and Comfort:

Shearing helps improve the welfare and comfort of the sheep. Over time, the fleece can become heavy so by shearing the sheep regularly, they can stay more comfortable, reducing the risk of heat stress and related health issues.

Ease of Management:

Shearing regularly allows for more straightforward management of the flock. Shearing twice a year helps maintain the cleanliness of the sheep, reduces the risk of fly strike and other skin-related issues, and improves overall hygiene in the flock. It also makes it easier to identify individual sheep and track their history and performance.

Wool Quality Improvement:

Doing a Main Shear and a Second shear allows the sheep's fleece to grow higher-quality wool.

Selective Breeding:

Second shearing, helps to identify the performance of individual sheep, evaluating their condition and overall wellbeing. This information is valuable for making informed decisions about selective breeding.


Overall, second shearing offers several advantages. Enhancing sheep welfare, aiding in health monitoring, ease of flock management, and assisting in selective breeding decisions. By shearing the sheep for the second time within 12 months, you can maximise the well-being of your flock.

How to Prepare for Shearing

  • Ensure sheep are in a relatively small pen on a flat area.
  • Have them penned and ready several hours before I arrive.
  • Ensure no pour-ons have been used within 2 months before shearing; otherwise, I can't shear them.
  • Book well in advance, especially during peak seasons.

PLEASE NOTE: I will not shear your sheep if they have been treated with Maggo due to it being a human carcinogen.